tow truck in spanish definition
M means that a noun is masculine. Most frequent Spanish dictionary requests.
Pronunciation tow truck to truhk noun 1.

. It is more like kow- towing to the Council. Tow truck - WordReference English dictionary questions discussion and forums. M This truck does the towing for the junkyardEsta grúa realiza el remolque para el depósito de chatarra.
Its also good to know that El camión de bomberos means Firetruck in Mexican Spanish as well as Pickup truck is La camioneta. Towtruck is the equivalent to La grúa in Mexican Spanish and Im pretty sure youve heard it many times before already. Look up in Linguee.
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Tow truck noun tow truck also. Definition of tow truck. Automobiles act remolque m rope remolque m cable m de remolque thing towed vehículo m remolcado to give sb a tow dar remolque or remolcar a algn on tow British in tow US a remolque to have a car in tow llevar un coche de remolque to take in tow dar remolque a 2.
Similar translations for tow truck in Spanish tow verb Spanish sirgar palanquear arrastrar llevar a remolque atoar remolcar tow noun Spanish estopa remolque sirga truck noun Spanish vagón. Following the incident Main Street was closed off to traffic while the Gardaí awaited the arrival of a tow truck to remove the vehicle from the street More example sentences Pronunciation tow truck ˈtō ˌtrək ˈtoʊ ˌtrək. Sustantivo de género exclusivamente femenino que lleva los artículos lao unaen singular y laso unasen plural.
A boom is a structural member of a tow truck that extends from a mast the structure that houses the boom and winches. Many translated example sentences containing tow truck Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. Many translated example sentences containing towing company Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations.
Crane grapple wrecking grapple loader grúa f tow truck. Suggest as a translation of towing company. We cannot then describe this as a fair compromise.
Camión-grúa m de la polícía tow truck also. Camión grúa m de la polícía tow truck. A truck with winches and hoist mechanisms for freeing stuck vehicles and towing wrecked or disabled vehicles.
Drops About Languages Scripts Blog HomeAmerican English to Mexican SpanishVehiclestowtruck. Spanish nouns have a gender which is either feminine like la mujer or la luna or masculine like el hombre or el sol. A tow truck is a motor vehicle which is used to pull broken or damaged vehicles.
To tug remolcar remolcando remolcado vb They are nothing more than environmental criminals who allow leaking tankers to be towed into the high seas. Tow təʊ noun 1. Look up in Linguee.
A truck with special equipment for pulling a vehicle that is not working to a place where it can. A truck with special equipment for pulling a vehicle that is not working to a place where it can. English Spanish Contextual examples of towing in Spanish These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate.
Breakdown truck breakdown van remolcador m autom. Babla is not responsible for their content. Refers to person place thing quality etc.
Pulls vehicles grúa nfnombre femenino. El remolque M flat bed The cars axle broke and we had to put it up on a tow truckSe rompió el eje de coche y lo tuvimos que subir a un remolque. Meaning pronunciation translations and examples.
No son más que delincuentes medioambientales que permiten que petroleros que tienen fugas sean remolcados a alta mar. Tow truck Translate tow truck into Spanish noun A truck used to tow or pick up damaged or disabled vehicles. Copyright Curiosity Media Inc.
La grúa F My car broke down and I am waiting for the tow truckSe me descompuso el carro y estoy esperando la grúa. Suggest as a translation of tow truck. 1-200 -1k -2k -3k.
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